Throne Day: Royal Pardon for 2,476 People
The beneficiaries of the Royal Pardon currently in detention have numbered 2,278 prisoners and are divided as follows:
– 171 inmates benefited from pardon over the remaining prison term, and had their fines annulled.
– 2 inmates had their remaining prison terms pardoned.
– 2,090 inmates had their prison terms reduced.
– 15 inmates had their life sentences commuted to fixed-term sentences.
The beneficiaries of the Royal Pardon currently at liberty have numbered 182 people and are divided as follows:
– 45 people have benefited from pardon over their prison terms or its remainder.
– 9 people have benefited from pardon over their prison terms while their fines were maintained.
– 121 people had their fines, or the remainder of it, annulled.
– 7 people had both their prison terms pardoned and their fines annulled.
In addition, HM the King has graciously granted His Pardon to prisoners convicted in cases of extremism and terrorism. These have obtained Royal Approval after having officially expressed their commitment to the constants and sanctities of the Nation and national institutions, revised their ideological orientations, and rejected extremism and terrorism. They have numbered 16 people and are divided as follows:
– 7 inmates have benefited from pardon over the remaining prison terms.
– 9 inmates had their prison terms reduced.
Royal pardon is customary in Morocco to mark national and religious holidays.

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