Morocco Leads Africa in ICT Development Index
Casablanca – Morocco tops the African ranking of ICT Development Index (IDI) of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), with a score of 85.1, according to the organization’s 2023 report.
This score exceeds the global average of 72.8 out of 100, as well as the African average of 47.4, according to this report entitled “Measuring digital development: the 2023 ICT Development Index”.
By indicator, Morocco far exceeds the global average (which is 70.5%) with regard to the percentage of “Individuals using the Internet” with a rate of 92.8%. In terms of “Households with internet access at home” and “3G/4G coverage”, whose respective global averages are 70.8% and 92.5%, the Kingdom remains well positioned with respective rates of 90.7% and 99.2%.

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