
HM the King Sends Condolence & Sympathy Message to Family of Late Naïma Samih

His Majesty King Mohammed VI has sent a message of condolence and sympathy to the family of the late esteemed artist Naïma Samih.
In this message, His Majesty the King conveys His deep sorrow over the passing of the artist, whose departure is not only a loss to her family but also to the national artistic scene, which mourns one of its brightest stars.

“For decades, she illuminated the sky of authentic Moroccan music with her melodious voice, distinctive vocal tone, and refined artistic spirit. Her songs will remain eternal in the Moroccan musical repertoire and in the hearts of her Moroccan and Arab fans,” the Sovereign says.

On this sorrowful occasion, the Sovereign extends His heartfelt condolences and most sincere sympathy to the family of the deceased, and through them, to all her loved ones, praying to the Almighty to grant them patience and solace.

In shared grief over this painful loss, His Majesty the King fondly recalls the noble character of the departed and her genuine patriotism, praying to the Almighty, in these blessed days of Ramadan, to reward her abundantly for her artistic and national contributions and to welcome her among His righteous servants in His gardens of perpetual bliss


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