
HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, Sends Message to His Faithful People Regarding Abstention from Performing Eid Sacrifice Ritual

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God glorify Him, addressed a message to His faithful people regarding the abstention from performing the Eid sacrifice ritual. The message was read out on Wednesday by the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, during the evening news broadcast on the “Al Aoula” channel.
HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, Sends Message to His Faithful People Regarding Abstention from Performing Eid Sacrifice Ritual - Agadir Today

Here is the translation of the Royal Message:

“Praise be to God,

May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith and Kin

Dear people,

Since I have been entrusted with the supreme Imamate, founded on the unwavering bonds of allegiance (Beia), I have ensured that My faithful people have the conditions to observe their religion, its obligations, traditions, rites and interactions, all in accordance with the divine blessings granted by the Almighty to the Moroccan Ummah. This includes attachment to the pillars, respect for the most confirmed Sunnahs, and the celebration of holy days, among which is the Eid Al-Adha feast, set to take place in less than four months.

The celebration of this feast is not a fleeting occasion; rather, it carries strong religious meanings, reflecting the deep connection of My faithful subjects with the various aspects of our Sacred religion and their will to draw closer to the Almighty and to strengthen social and family ties through this revered occasion.

My keenness to enable you to observe this religious rite in the best conditions is closely linked to My duty to take into account what our country is facing in terms of climate and economic challenges, which have led to a significant decline in livestock numbers.

To this end, and bearing in mind that Eid Al Adha is a confirmed Sunnah where possible, its fulfillment in these difficult conditions is likely to be detrimental to large sections of My people, particularly those with limited income.

Based on the responsibility incumbent upon Me, as Commander of the Faithful, loyal protector of the religious rites as dictated by necessity and interest of Sharia, and in accordance with the obligation incumbent upon Me to remove inconvenience and prejudice and to promote facilitation while complying with the Qur’anic verse: “He has laid no hardship upon you in religion”, I urge My dear people to abstain from performing this year’s Eid sacrifice rite.

I will perform the Eid sacrifice rite, God willing, on behalf of My people, faithful in this to the Sunnah of My forefather the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon Him, when He immolated two sheep, saying: “This one is for me, this other one is in on behalf of my Ummah”.

Dear people,

I urge you to celebrate Eid Al Adha, God willing, pursuant to its usual rituals and noble spiritual meanings, from the Eid prayer in msallahs and mosques, to the giving of alms, family gatherings, as well as the various pious acts of devotion, expressing gratitude to God for His immense generosity and imploring reward and retribution.

+Say: This is my way! I call people (to the religion) of Allah, myself and those who follow me+. True is the word of God.

Wassalamou alaikoum warahmatoullahi wabarakatouh”.


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